Monday, June 4, 2012

Anger. Frustrated. Baffled.

WOW, it's been about 10 months since I last posted. I went from being home for weeks without freelance work to not posting at all.

It's been over six months since I started working for E! Entertainment full time and blogger just takes a backseat like the rest of my life (aka episodes of Mad Men and reading).

I will try to update more, and only found the willpower to login tonight to mention I spent the past few days reading the new "phenomenon" Fifty Shades trilogy. I am so glad it is over. I am indifferent about the series. I am not sure why it is ooozing with press but I admit I was fascinated and had to see what all the fuss was about. I feel the same as I did as I did when I finished the Twilight Saga.

Anger. Frustrated. Baffled.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

There are not enough washers and dryers to go around.

I went to Target yesterday and bought a planner. Yes, like the ones you get when you were in middle school. I got home, started filling it excitedly and then: November and December were missing. Instead, January and February started repeating itself. When you spend a few dollars on a planner the last thing you would think is to return it, now I hope those bozos will let me exchange it for a proper new planner. How exciting is my life?

So I just got home from the gym and on the way up the stairs I decided to see if the washer and dryers were available. They were all TAKEN! TAKEN, not in USE, just TAKEN. Get your shiz outta here. ATTENTION ATTENTION there are not enough washers and dryers to go around.

Today Maeron & I are going to go to the bench where they filmed parts of (500) Days of Summer. To celebrate, we had a movie night and watched the movie last night. Hopefully we can stop for ice cream too :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

"Is your roommate a hair stylist?"

I finally got a hair cut by an actual person with an actual license. Last haircut I got was when I was in Dublin in November! Sabina knew right away something was funny about my bangs. She asked me if I cut them myself, I gave her a smile and told her no :). I told her my roommate did (lol). "Is your roommate a hair stylist?" "No :)" "Oh ok, good!", it was that obvious huh? The woman I let cut my bangs for the past 4 months...and I thought she did a swell job. I should've known better, we were using "fiskar" scissors from elementary school. Scissors five-year-olds used to cut construction paper.

The pit of it: one lady noticed my not professional bangs
The upside of it: I didn't pay anyone to do my hair for the past 7 months!
I'm no genius, but I think it is almost a win-win situation ;)

On another note, Ashley H. still doesn't win me over with her style on the Bachelorette. Nothing to swoon over, on another note is she like 4 feet 5? Why is she always wearing actual shirts, no not tunics, SHIRTS as a dress?

BENTLEY, I am sooo sick of hearing about BENTLEY!

Maeron surprised me with a delightful mixture of chocolates today. It's as if she knew I was going to come home feeling a little blue. I came home with a surprise too, I brought her some "interesting" Gatorade.

iHasta Luego!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Cabin FEVER!

I would really like to be a part of the "Where in the world is Carmen San Diego club".

fff aaaa

why do people irritate me??

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Bachelorette

I wasn't the biggest fan of Ashley H.

Yeah she's cute...but Bachelorette material? I-D-K.

I watch the franchise to see what the ladies wear, I didn't think her style was my fave, but what's cool about being the main chickadee? You get a stylist!

New season equals new clothes for me to swoon over :0)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tres Adorable...

Tres Adorable.--My Royal Wedding Fever is finally coming down, I am getting back to regular temperatures. Every time people mock at the wedding, I just stand there silently trying not to burst into tears haha.

Been having that work, shift work.

Today I ordered Peruvian food for lunch, SO GOOD!

Tonight THE VOICE is on,
Blake Shelton...can I be your honeybee?

This weekend I go home to visit the familia. I have nada to really say.

Deuces. ;)